Soap the Stamps Jump the Tube official book launch. Hosted by author Gail Thibert (it's also her birthday!)

Come early and purchase some fab grub (vegan and veggies options available) grab one of the 100 FREE goody bags for early birds.

Band times to be announced but bands confirmed, in no particular order of preference... (each having a link to the book in some way)

Hagar the Womb Transmission Control Punk Rock Karaoke Band Shocks of Mighty Sarah Pink's Gravediggers 12pm-2am DJ set

The wonderful Helen will be on the door. Free Entry to VIPs (mainly anyone mentioned in the book) £5 Entry to Supporters (listed in the book- those who pledged) £5 entry to advance ticket purchasers £7 entry on the door.

Anyone attempting to blag their way in old school style will be awarded a pint of cider and a dog on a string (joking!)

Here's the link to the book- still time to make a pledge